TCEA State 1998 Slides

What a University Sees

Rice University admits science and engineering students with

  1. very high SAT scores
  2. two or more years of high school ``Computer Science''
  3. high AP ``Computer Science'' scores
Yet, we have consistently found that these students cannot
  1. develop a program systematically
  2. separate problem solving from machine details
  3. explain why a program works (or doesn't)

The root cause of this problem is that many computer science educators, high school teachers, and students don't know that computer science is

not about the computer
but about computation

The name of the discipline is especially unfortunate (and misleading). In Europe, the field is referred to by names like ``informatik'', which more accurately reflect its focus on the organization and manipulation of data and information.


Last modified at 23:49:23 CST on Sunday, February 08, 1998