John Mellor-Crummey, Vikram Adve, Bradley Broom, Daniel Chavarría Miranda, Robert Fowler, Guohua Jin, Ken Kennedy, and Qing Yi. Advanced optimization strategies in the Rice dHPF compiler. Concurrency: Practice and Experience. In press. [ps] [pdf]

High Performance Fortran (HPF) was envisioned as a vehicle for modernizing legacy Fortran codes to achieve scalable parallel performance. To a large extent, today's commercially available HPF compilers have failed to deliver scalable parallel performance for a broad spectrum of applications because of insufficiently powerful compiler analysis and optimization. Substantial restructuring and hand-optimization can be required to achieve acceptable performance with an HPF port of an existing Fortran application, even for regular data-parallel applications. A key goal of the Rice dHPF compiler project has been to develop optimization techniques that enable a wide range of existing scientific applications to be ported easily to efficient HPF with minimal restructuring. This paper describes the challenges to effective parallelization presented by complex (but regular) data-parallel applications, and then describes how the novel analysis and optimization technologies in the dHPF compiler address these challenges effectively, without major rewriting of the applications. We illustrate the techniques by describing their use for parallelizing the NAS SP and BT benchmarks. The dHPF compiler generates multipartitioned parallelizations of these codes that are approaching the scalability and efficiency of sophisticated hand-coded parallelizations.