Vivek Sarkar: Publications (Parallel Execution Models)

  1. Location consistency – a new memory model and cache consistency protocol. Guang  Gao, Vivek Sarkar. IEEE Transactions on Computers, August 2000, Vol. 49, No.  8, pp 798-813.

  2. Lightweight Object-Oriented Shared Variables for Cluster Computing in Java. J.  Harris, V. Sarkar. Journal on Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 60(10),  October 2000, pp. 1238-1259. 

  3. Lightweight Object-Oriented Shared Variables for Distributed Applications on the  Internet”. J.Harris and V.Sarkar. Proceedings of OOPSLA ’98, October 1998.

  4. On the Importance of an End-To-End View of Memory Consistency in Future  Computer Systems. Guang R. Gao and Vivek Sarkar. Proceedings of the 1997  International Symposium on High Performance Computing, Fukuoka, Japan, November  1997.

  5. Analysis and Optimization of Explicitly Parallel Programs using the Parallel Program  Graph Representation. Vivek Sarkar. Tenth Workshop on Languages and Compilers  for Parallel Computing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 1997.

  6. Location Consistency: Stepping Beyond the Memory Coherence Barrier. Guang  R. Gao and Vivek Sarkar. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on  Parallel Processing, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, August 1995. 

  7. Data Consistency in Distributed Memory Systems (Extended Abstract). Vivek  Sarkar. Proceedings of the 1995 ICPP Workshop on Challenges for Parallel Processing,  Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, pages 124-132, August 1995.

  8. Parallel Program Graphs and their Classification. Vivek Sarkar and Barbara Simons.  Sixth International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing,  Portland, Oregon, August 1993. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science,  768, pages 633-655, 1993.

  9. A Concurrent Execution Semantics for Parallel Program Graphs and Program  Dependence Graphs. Vivek Sarkar. Fifth Workshop on Languages and Compilers  for Parallel Computing, Yale University, August 1992. Springer-Verlag Lecture  Notes in Computer Science, 1993.