This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1) (format=latex 2000.2.2) 31 AUG 2000 18:52 **images.tex (images.tex LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level 1 Babel and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n ohyphenation, loaded. 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(images.aux (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum0.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum1a.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumAa.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum1b.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumAb.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum2.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumB.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum3.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumC.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum4.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumD.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum5.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumE.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum6.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculumF.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum7.aux) (/home/matthias/matthias/Curr/curriculum8.aux)) \openout1 = `images.aux'. (/opt1/teTeX-1.0.7/sunos5/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/ot1ppl.fd File: ot1ppl.fd 1998/07/06 Fontinst v1.800 font definitions for OT1/ppl. ) latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72414: 7.48248pt::0.0pt. [3 ] [4 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72418: 10.1232pt::1.26477pt. [5 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72420: 9.44032pt::0.0pt. [6 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72424: 4.71457pt::0.0pt. [7 ] [8 ] [9 ] [10 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72452: 9.12923pt::0.9125pt. [11 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72454: 9.46692pt::3.776pt. [12 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72456: 9.46692pt::3.776pt. [13 ] [14 ] Overfull \hbox (3.32793pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 250--253 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Header & | [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 250--253 [] Overfull \hbox (14.76547pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 249--272 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 249--272 [] [15 ] [16 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72498: 6.73512pt::2.12917pt. [17 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72540: 7.97697pt::2.12917pt. [18 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72542: 5.9031pt::2.12917pt. [19 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72544: 5.9031pt::2.12917pt. [20 ] [21 ] [22 ] [23 ] [24 ] [25 ] [26 ] [27 ] [28 ] [29 ] [30 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72646: 9.12923pt::0.9125pt. [31 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72648: 7.05666pt::0.9125pt. [32 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72650: 9.12923pt::0.0pt. [33 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72652: 9.12923pt::0.9125pt. [34 ] [35 ] Overfull \hbox (3.87543pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 451--452 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Conditions | [] Overfull \hbox (17.49272pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 447--457 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 447--457 [] [36 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72684: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [37 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72686: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [38 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72688: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [39 ] [40 ] [41 ] [42 ] [43 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72724: 9.12923pt::0.42812pt. [44 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72726: 9.12923pt::0.0pt. [45 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72728: 9.12923pt::0.42812pt. [46 ] [47 ] [48 ] (/opt1/teTeX-1.0.7/sunos5/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/ot1pcr.fd File: ot1pcr.fd 1998/07/06 Fontinst v1.800 font definitions for OT1/pcr. ) [49 ] [50 ] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 573--575 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 & De- [] Overfull \hbox (3.32793pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 576--579 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Header & | [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 576--579 [] Overfull \hbox (14.76547pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 572--596 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 572--596 [] [51 ] Overfull \hbox (17.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 626--628 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 626--628 [] [52 ] [53 ] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 658--660 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 & De- [] Overfull \hbox (3.32793pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 661--664 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Header & | [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 661--664 [] Overfull \hbox (14.76547pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 657--681 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 657--681 [] [54 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72808: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [55 ] \p=\dimen112 \p=\dimen113 (/opt1/teTeX-1.0.7/sunos5/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/ot1phv.fd File: ot1phv.fd 1998/07/06 Fontinst v1.800 font definitions for OT1/phv. ) \p=\dimen114 \p=\dimen115 \p=\dimen116 [56 ] \p=\dimen117 \p=\dimen118 [57 ] [58 ] [59 ] Overfull \hbox (17.99545pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 744--750 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 744--750 [] [60 ] Overfull \hbox (90.63673pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 753--759 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 753--759 [] [61 ] [62 ] Overfull \hbox (105.04782pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 771--777 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 771--777 [] [63 ] [64 ] Overfull \hbox (50.64708pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 788--794 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 788--794 [] [65 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72860: 6.72324pt::3.20436pt. [66 ] [67 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72876: 6.93123pt::3.20436pt. [68 ] \p=\dimen119 [69 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72888: 6.72324pt::1.6862pt. [70 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72890: 6.72324pt::1.6862pt. [71 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72892: 5.07803pt::0.0pt. [72 ] \p=\dimen120 [73 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72910: 6.93123pt::0.1368pt. [74 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72912: 6.72324pt::0.1368pt. [75 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72914: 6.72324pt::0.1368pt. [76 ] [77 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72922: 15.28113pt::0.06563pt. [78 ] \p=\dimen121 \p=\dimen122 [79 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72946: 7.25978pt::3.6861pt. [80 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72948: 6.72324pt::3.6861pt. [81 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72950: 6.72324pt::3.6861pt. [82 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72952: 7.25978pt::3.6861pt. [83 ] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) detected at line 919 | [] ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.919 ...nd{enumerate} \end{quote} \end{minipage}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.919 ...nd{enumerate} \end{quote} \end{minipage}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. [84 ] Overfull \hbox (232.55597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 931--931 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 ^^_^^L[] | [] [85 ] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 938--940 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 & De- [] Overfull \hbox (3.32793pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 941--944 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Header & | [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 941--944 [] Overfull \hbox (14.76547pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 937--961 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 937--961 [] [86 ] [87 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72982: 7.48248pt::0.0pt. [88 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline72984: 7.48248pt::0.0pt. [89 ] [90 ] [91 ] [92 ] [93 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73020: 6.93123pt::3.20436pt. [94 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73022: 6.93123pt::3.20436pt. [95 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73028: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [96 ] [97 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73030: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [98 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73038: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [99 ] [100 ] [101 ] [102 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73056: 5.1574pt::1.6862pt. [103 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73058: 6.93123pt::0.1368pt. [104 ] [105 ] [106 ] [107 ] [108 ] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) detected at line 1307 | [] Overfull \hbox (54.75012pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1307--1307 []| [] ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1307 ...d{enumerate} \end{quote} \end{minipage}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1307 ...d{enumerate} \end{quote} \end{minipage}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. [109 ] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1314--1316 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 & De- [] Overfull \hbox (12.30159pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1313--1321 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1313--1321 [] [110 ] Overfull \hbox (232.55597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1338--1338 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 ^^_^^L[] | [] Overfull \hbox (232.55597pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1338--1338 \OT1/ppl/m/n/10.95 ^^_^^L[] | [] [111 ] Overfull \hbox (7.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1462--1464 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1462--1464 [] [112 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73080: 4.01727pt::0.0pt. [113 ] [114 ] Overfull \hbox (893.11993pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1493--1513 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1493--1513 [] [115 ] [116 ] [117 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73088: 7.05666pt::0.0pt. [118 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73096: 7.05666pt::2.12917pt. [119 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73106: 7.05666pt::2.12917pt. [120 ] Overfull \hbox (10.00214pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1561--1573 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1561--1573 [] [121 ] \p=\dimen123 [122 ] [123 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73164: 4.7467pt::1.9999pt. [124 ] [125 ] [126 ] [127 ] [128 ] [129 ] [130 ] [131 ] [132 ] [133 ] [134 ] [135 ] [136 ] [137 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73190: 9.12923pt::0.42812pt. [138 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73192: 9.12923pt::0.0pt. [139 ] ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1732 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1732 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1732 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1732 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. [140 ] ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1738 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1738 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1738 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. ! Infinite glue shrinkage found in a paragraph. \par ...@m \@noitemerr {\@@par }\fi \else {\@@par }\fi l.1738 ... \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate}}} The paragraph just ended includes some glue that has infinite shrinkability, e.g., `\hskip 0pt minus 1fil'. Such glue doesn't belong there---it allows a paragraph of any length to fit on one line. But it's safe to proceed, since the offensive shrinkability has been made finite. [141 ] [142 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73210: 5.9031pt::1.64249pt. [143 ] [144 ] [145 ] \p=\dimen124 \p=\dimen125 \p=\dimen126 \p=\dimen127 \p=\dimen128 \p=\dimen129 \p=\dimen130 [146 ] \p=\dimen131 [147 ] \p=\dimen132 [148 ] [149 ] [150 ] [151 ] [152 ] [153 ] Overfull \hbox (7.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1880--1882 [][]| [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 1880--1882 [] [154 ] [155 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73342: 7.22179pt::0.0pt. [156 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73344: 7.22179pt::0.9125pt. [157 ] [158 ] [159 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73350: 7.48248pt::0.0pt. [160 ] [161 ] [162 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73360: 4.71457pt::2.47586pt. [163 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73362: 4.71457pt::1.64249pt. [164 ] [165 ] [166 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73368: 4.71457pt::2.47586pt. [167 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73370: 4.71457pt::2.12917pt. [168 ] [169 ] [170 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73380: 7.4181pt::0.0pt. [171 ] [172 ] [173 ] [174 ] [175 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73392: 9.26236pt::2.73749pt. [176 ] [177 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73404: 9.86691pt::3.776pt. [178 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73406: 9.86691pt::3.776pt. [179 ] [180 ] [181 ] [182 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73416: 4.71457pt::1.64249pt. [183 ] [184 ] [185 ] [186 ] [187 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73444: 6.3875pt::3.02206pt. [188 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73446: 6.3875pt::3.02206pt. [189 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73448: 5.27783pt::3.02206pt. [190 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73450: 8.2125pt::3.02206pt. [191 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73452: 8.2125pt::3.02206pt. [192 ] [193 ] [194 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73458: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [195 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73460: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [196 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73462: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [197 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73464: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [198 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73466: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [199 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73470: 4.71457pt::2.12917pt. [200 ] [201 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73488: 7.05666pt::3.02206pt. [202 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73494: 8.2125pt::3.02206pt. [203 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73496: 8.2125pt::3.02206pt. [204 ] [205 ] [206 ] [207 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73588: 7.60416pt::0.0pt. [208 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73590: 7.97697pt::0.17517pt. [209 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73592: 7.97697pt::3.08783pt. [210 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73594: 4.71457pt::1.9999pt. [211 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73616: 7.25978pt::3.6861pt. [212 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73624: 9.12923pt::0.0pt. [213 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73628: 9.12923pt::0.0pt. [214 ] [215 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73632: 9.12923pt::0.0pt. [216 ] [217 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73638: 9.12923pt::2.73749pt. [218 ] [219 ] [220 ] [221 ] [222 ] [223 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73718: 4.71457pt::1.64249pt. [224 ] [225 ] [226 ] [227 ] [228 ] [229 ] [230 ] [231 ] [232 ] [233 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73770: 8.2125pt::2.73749pt. [234 ] [235 ] [236 ] [237 ] [238 ] [239 ] [240 ] [241 ] [242 ] [243 ] [244 ] [245 ] [246 ] [247 ] latex2htmlSize :tex2html_wrap_inline73814: 4.71457pt::3.19804pt. 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