Software TraceSampler
Author(s) Aditya Shrotri
Description A suite of algorithms for uniformly sampling traces of a transition system.

Software Matrix Permanent
Author(s) Aditya Shrotri
Description A suite of algorithms for computing the permanent of a matrix.

Software DNF Counting
Author(s) Aditya Shrotri
Description A suite of algorithms for counting DNF formulas.

Software DPMC
Author(s) Jeffrey Dudek, Vu Phan
Description An exact weighted model-counting framework based on algebraic decision diagrams and tensors.

Software RSynth
Author(s) Lucas Tabajara
Description A BDD-based Boolean-synthesis tool.

Software FourierSAT
Author(s) Zhiwei Zhang
Description A continuous local search SAT solver based on Fourier expansion for hybrid Boolean constraints.

Software TensorOrder
Author(s) Jeffrey Dudek
Description A tool for weighted model counting through tensor network contraction.

Software ADDMC
Author(s) Vu Phan
Description An exact weighted model counter based on algebraic decision diagrams.

Software Corpus
Author(s) Corey Fisher
Description Haskell source code for generating random automata.

Software Rank
Author(s) Seth Fogarty, extending the Mh program by Laurent Doyen and J.F. Raskin
Description Buchi containment solver, employing the antichain-based algorithm in Doyen, L., Raskin, J.-F., Antichains for the automata-based approach to model-checking. LMCS 1(5) 2009

Software Ramsey
Author(s) Seth Fogarty, extending the sct/scp program by Amir Ben-Amram and Chin Soon Lee.
Description Buchi containment solver, employing the Ramsey-based algorithm with subsumption in FV2010.

Software WeightGen
Author(s) Kuldeep S. Meel
Description Please see the WeightGen project page for more detail.

Software WeightMC
Author(s) Kuldeep S. Meel

Software UniGen
Author(s) Kuldeep S. Meel

Software ApproxMC
Author(s) Kuldeep S. Meel

Software FMSD'12 version of CHIMP (CHIMP Handles Instrumentation for Monitoring of Properties)
Author(s) Deian Tabakov, Kristin Y. Rozier
Description This version of CHIMP implements the table-based encodings described in our FMSD'12 paper. It was upgraded to work with SPOT v0.8.

Software CHIMP (CHIMP Handles Instrumentation for Monitoring of Properties)
Author(s) Deian Tabakov
Comments Implementation of the LTL-to-monitor approach described by the Ph.D. thesis of the tool author. This tool uses SPOT 0.4 to generate Büchi automata that accept all traces of the provided LTL formulas. The Büchi automata are then converted to nondeterministic finite-word automata that accept all illegal executions (see the Ph.D. thesis for further details). The tool may apply minimization of the automaton using the BRICS Automaton tool (see below for related code). After all optimizations and transformations have been performed, the tool generates a C/C++ monitor that detects all illegal executions ("bad prefixes"). Extract the bzip-ed tar-ed archive using tar -xvjf monitor_master.tar.bz2. You can see a sample monitor file, corresponding to the property G p.
Description The tool uses SPOT for the LTL-to-Büchi conversion; substituting another converter is possible if the user uses a different language for specifying the properties of the system, e.g., PSL or SVA. This code supports SPOT v.0.4; in case future versions of SPOT are incompatible with the code, you can download the version that the author used (spot-0.4.tar.bz2). The source code already #includes the required SPOT header files, so you have to provide the path to SPOT's installation when compiling, and you have to link to SPOT's libspot.a and libbdd.a to produce the final assembly.

Software automaton-1.11_addon.tar.bz2
Author(s) Deian Tabakov
Comments The monitor generation tool, monitor master, has an optional automaton minimization flag. When the flag is set, the tool exports the automaton using the LBT format and then uses a shell command to minimize it using the BRICS Automaton tool. Since BRICS Automaton does not parse natively automata in LBT format, we need an add-on to parse the automaton, use BRICS Automaton to determinize and minimize it, and then convert the minimized automaton back to LBT format. The required code is provided here as Java source code.
Description Extract the bzip-ed tar-ed archive using tar -xvjf automaton-1.11_addon.tar.bz2 in the top directory of BRICS Automaton. The new code is in src/dk/brics/extra/. This code worked with version 1.11 of BRICS Automaton. In case it does not work with future versions of BRICS Automaton, you can try downloading version 1.11 with the add-on in one package as automaton-1.11_plus_addon.tar.bz2. You can override the default location where monitor master is looking for the BRICS Automaton code by editing the monitor master file and changing the definition of brics_root inside the constructor to point to the root of the BRICS Automaton source. This can also be done on the command line by providing the switch -brics_root /path/to/brics_automaton/root.

Software adders.tar.bz2 and airline.tar.bz2
Author(s) Deian Tabakov
Comments SystemC models used in the Ph.D. thesis of the tool author.
Description These SystemC models are self-contained and should work with SystemC-2.2.0 or later. They can also be run using the modified SystemC kernel (see the author's Ph.D. thesis for details) and verified using runtime verification.

Software systemc-2.2.0_patch.tar.bz2
Author(s) Deian Tabakov
Comments A patch to update SystemC-2.2.0 with runtime verification support, as discussed in the Ph.D. thesis of the patch author.
Description See README in the archive.

Software systemc-2.2.0_with_RV_support.tar.bz2
Author(s) Deian Tabakov
Comments Full source code of the modified version of SystemC-2.2.0 as described in the Ph.D. thesis of the tool author.
Description Full source code in case applying the patch does not work, or in case version 2.2.0 is no longer available for download.

Software LTL2AUT
Author(s) Marco Daniele
Description LTL2AUT generates Buchi automata from LTL formulas. The software is also described in the CAV 1999 paper by Marco Daniele, Fausto Giunchiglia, and Moshe Y. Vardi.

Software KBDD
Author(s) Guoqiang Pan
Description BDD-based satisfiability solver for modal logic K. The software is also described in the CADE 2002 paper by Guoqiang Pan, Ulrike Sattler, and Moshe Y. Vardi and the CADE 2003 paper by Guoqiang Pan and Moshe Y. Vardi.

Software QMRes
Author(s) Guoqiang Pan
Comments Multi-resolution with ZDDs implementation copyright Laurent Simon used under permission. Graph Library copyright Andrew Ladd used under permission download here (this version is modified to include vertex ordering heuristics). Download binary only for QMRes here.
Description ZDD-based multi-resolution solver for QBF. The software is also described in the CP 2004 paper by Guoqiang Pan and Moshe Y. Vardi.