Scheme Design Recipe (from How to Design Programs)

Phase Goal                 Activity

and Design

To formulate a data definition

Develop an inductive data definition.
One alternative must not refer to the definition
Explicitly identify all self-references in the data. definition

Purpose and

To name the function.
To specify its classes of
  input data and its
  class of output data.
To describe its purpose.
To formulate a header.

Name the function, the classes of input data, the class of output data, and specify its purpose:
 ;; name : in1 in2 ...--> out
 ;; to compute ... from x1 ...
 (define (name x1 x2 ...) ...)


To characterize the input-
output relationship via examples.

Create examples of the input-output relationship.
Make sure there is at least one example per subclass


To formulate an outline.

Develop a cond-expression with one clause per alternative add selector expressions to each clause.
Annotate the body with natural recursions.
The self-references in this template and the data definition match!


To define the function.

Formulate a Scheme expression for each simple cond-line.
Explain for all other cond-clauses what each natural recursion computes according to the purpose statement.


To discover mistakes.
  (``typos'' and logic)

Apply the function to the inputs of the examples.
Check that the outputs are as predicted

  Designing a function for self-referential data