The 2002 edition of the Rice University TeachJava workshop will be offered August 5-9. The workshop is targeted at teachers who have completed the TeachScheme workshop but is open to others with an strong background in computing on a case by case basis. Enrollment is limited to 20 students so that we can provide extensive individual instruction. The workshop covers the principal programming concepts taught in the second-semester (CS2) course at Rice. The course presumes a background in designing functional programs as taught in the TeachScheme workshop (see With this background, it is easy to learn object-oriented program design. I am pleased to report that the workshop will be supported by an improved "production-quality" version of DrJava, which is now an open-source project at DrJava supports the same simple programming interface as DrScheme: a Definitions pane containing program text and an Interactions pane in which arbitrary statements and expressions can be cumulatively evaluated. The usual complication of teaching students to define a method with the header public static void main(String[] args) to execute programs is completely unnecessary (although DrJava also supports the usual command line interface in the Interactions pane if you want to use it). The improved version of DrJava already supports many features that were not available last year including multiple open files, killing errant computations, and source file printing. The development of DrJava is proceeding rapidly using the Extreme Programming approach to software engineering (see By the time of the workshop, we expect DrJava to include a debugger, integrated support for unit testing based on JUnit, and a configuration facility for changing environment parameters such as font size, text highlighting colors, and the classpath used to search for external classes. The TeachJava workshop is free and we expect to cover the costs of some meals but participants will be responsible for covering their travel expenses. For more information on the workshop including instructions on how to apply for admission, see -- Robert "Corky" Cartwright Dung "Zung" Nguyen Stephen Wong Rice University