o Complexity of random 3-SAT
Complexity of random 3-SAT
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Project members are Moshe Vardi, Demetrios Demopoulos , and Devika Subramanian.

The Question

How does the average-case complexity of random 3-SAT vary with density? Is there a phase transition in which the complexity shifts from polynomial to exponential? Is the transition dependent or independent of the solver?


To study these questions, we systematically sample the two-dimensional density-order space, gathering median and mean running times for a large collection of random 3-SAT problems. We use three different complete SAT solvers, embodying very different underlying algorithms: GRASP, CPLEX, and CUDD.

Summary of results

We observe new phase transitions for all three solvers, where the median running time shifts from polynomial in the order to exponential. The location of the phase transition appears to be solver-dependent. While GRASP and CPlex shift from polynomial to exponential complexity at a density of about 3.8, CUDD exhibits this transition between densities of 0.1 and 0.5. Our experimental results have been partially confirmed by Achlioptas et. al. recently, who show that the transition from polynomial to exponential complexity occurs well before the crossover point for DLL-style solvers. Our work is one of the first to question the commonly held view that the complexity transition coincides with the crossover point.

More details are in Random 3-SAT: the plot thickens, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Constraint Programming, 2000 (with M. Vardi, D. Demopolous, A. San Miguel Aguirre, C. Coarfa).

The talk corresponding to the above paper is here.