Classgrid 2.3

by Dan Wallach

The distribution is available here (gzip'ed tar file)

Classgrid is an increasingly ugly Perl5 program which lets you generate ASCII, Postscript, or HTML tables which present your daily schedule.

For example, the following input (input.txt) generates the following output (schedule.html).

All you do is run it like so:

classgrid -html input.txt > schedule.html

And, you can generate nice Postscript output like this:

classgrid -ps input.txt >

And, you can generate brief ASCII output like this:

classgrid -brief input.txt > schedule-brief.txt

The HTML3.0 output uses a file called "blank.gif" -- a one-pixel transparent GIF -- to get the vertical spacing correct. Put this GIF in the same place you put the HTML output and everything should work fine. This is unfortunately necessary because MS Internet Explorer doesn't handle white-space as well as Netscape. Sigh.

There are four valid line formats in the input file:
class     class|title|teacher|URL
meeting   class|type|days|hours|hall
title     Your Title
gray      postscript-gray-level

You would usually specify a class before listing its meetings.

For the meeting type you can use ``Lec'' as a shorthand for ``Lecture'', ``Dis'' for ``Discussion'', and ``Lab'' for ``Laboratory''. You can type anything else, and it will be spelled out exactly as you input.

Valid days are: M T W Th and F. If your meeting happens on multiple days, you may list the day codes together, but you need to have spaces between them.

Valid hours are any time in the day on the half hour. You specify these by saying, for example, 11a-2p foor a three hour meeting that crosses over noon-time. Midnight is "12a" and noon is "12p". This is different from classgrid 2.1. Older versions of classgrid tried to be your friend and help you avoid typing the "a" or "p". This became more difficult than it was worth.

The gray level goes between zero and one, with one being pure white, and zero being pure black -- this is the background of the shaded boxes and applies to all boxes starting where you set the graylevel. By default, it's something like .95. This number is only meaningful when generating Postscript output, as neither ASCII nor HTML 3.0 let you change the background color in the middle of a table. The new HTML mode has its own fancy coloring that you might like.

The title goes atop the whole schedule and you only get one of them.

Dan Wallach, CS Department, Rice University
Last modified: Mon Apr 26 11:40:05 CDT 1999