Summer 95 Misc. Pictures

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I didn't know many people in Seattle, so my friend Richard introduced me to Terri. Brian and Terri were great fun to hang out with, although we probably spent way too much time talking about Windows 95.
While at Microsoft, I organized an Intern Art Show. After sending e-mail to the intern mailing list, maybe 15 people (out of 500) said they were interested, but only five of us ended up with something to exhibit. Microsoft was nice enough to allow us to show our work in the building 9 cafeteria, where it hung for a week.
I went to SIGGRAPH 95 in Los Angeles. After it was over, I went up to Pasadena to hang out with my old friend Jen, who I hadn't seen since I graduated from Berkeley in 1993. With her roommate Dwayne, we went to see the Tchaikovsky Spectacular at the Hollywood Bowl. Never having been there before, I was amazed that I recognized it - from the Animaniacs! Turns out, the Great Wackorotti performs his belching solos there. Needless to say, this warped my view of the whole concert to follow.

Dan Wallach, CS Department, Rice University
Last modified: Tue Oct 27 16:45:52 CST 1998