
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 package edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.visitors;
00006 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.Experiment;
00007 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.CallSiteScope;
00008 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.FileScope;
00009 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.GroupScope;
00010 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.LineScope;
00011 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.LoadModuleScope;
00012 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.LoopScope;
00013 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ProcedureScope;
00014 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.RootScope;
00015 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.Scope;
00016 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitType;
00017 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.StatementRangeScope;
00018 import edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.filters.ExclusiveOnlyMetricPropagationFilter;
00024 public class ExclusiveCallingContextVisitor implements IScopeVisitor {
00026     private ExclusiveOnlyMetricPropagationFilter filterExclusive;
00027     private int numberOfPrimaryMetrics;
00032     public ExclusiveCallingContextVisitor(Experiment experiment) {
00033         this.numberOfPrimaryMetrics = experiment.getMetricCount();
00034         this.filterExclusive = new ExclusiveOnlyMetricPropagationFilter(experiment);
00035     }
00037     /* (non-Javadoc)
00038      * @see edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitor#visit(edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.LoopScope, edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitType)
00039      */
00040     public void visit(LoopScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) {
00041         if (vt == ScopeVisitType.PostVisit) {
00042             Scope parent = scope.getParentScope();
00043             if(parent != null) {
00044                 if ( (parent instanceof LoopScope) ) {
00045                     this.accumulateAncestor(scope);
00046                 } else {
00047                     // for exclusive filter, we want to add all the loop cost into the parent if the parent 
00048                     // is either procedure scope or call site scope
00049                     // this is the effect of due to not attributing the inner loop cost into outer loop cost
00050                     parent.accumulateMetrics(scope, this.filterExclusive, this.numberOfPrimaryMetrics);
00051                 }
00052             }
00053         }
00054     }
00056     /* (non-Javadoc)
00057      * @see edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitor#visit(edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.CallSiteScope, edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitType)
00058      */
00059     public void visit(CallSiteScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) {
00060         if (vt == ScopeVisitType.PostVisit) {
00061             Scope parent = scope.getParentScope();
00062             if(parent != null)
00063                 parent.accumulateMetrics(scope.getLineScope(), this.filterExclusive, numberOfPrimaryMetrics);
00064         }
00066     }
00068     /* (non-Javadoc)
00069      * @see edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitor#visit(edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ProcedureScope, edu.rice.cs.hpc.data.experiment.scope.ScopeVisitType)
00070      */
00071     public void visit(RootScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { 
00072         // no action
00073     }
00077     public void visit(LineScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) {add(scope, vt); }
00078     public void visit(StatementRangeScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { add(scope, vt); }
00079     public void visit(ProcedureScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { add(scope, vt); }
00080     public void visit(FileScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { add(scope, vt); }
00081     public void visit(GroupScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { add(scope, vt); }
00082     public void visit(LoadModuleScope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { add(scope, vt); }
00083     public void visit(Scope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) { add(scope, vt); }
00085     //--------------------------------------------------------
00087     private void add(Scope scope, ScopeVisitType vt) {
00088         if (vt == ScopeVisitType.PostVisit) {
00089             Scope parent = scope.getParentScope();
00090             if (parent == null)
00091                 return;
00093             parent.accumulateMetrics(scope, this.filterExclusive, this.numberOfPrimaryMetrics);
00094         }
00095     }
00097     private void accumulateAncestor(Scope scope) {
00098         Scope parent = scope.getParentScope();
00099         if(parent != null) {
00100             if(parent instanceof RootScope)
00101                 return;
00102             while ( (parent != null) && !(parent instanceof CallSiteScope) && 
00103                     !(parent instanceof RootScope) && !(parent instanceof ProcedureScope) ) {
00104                 parent = parent.getParentScope();
00105             }
00106             if (parent != null) {
00107                 if ( (parent instanceof CallSiteScope) || (parent instanceof ProcedureScope) ) {
00108                     parent.accumulateMetrics(scope, this.filterExclusive, this.numberOfPrimaryMetrics);
00109                 }
00110             }
00111         }
00112     }
00113 }

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