Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package;
00003 import java.util.ArrayList;
00005 public class FilterSet {
00006     private ArrayList<Filter> patterns;
00007     private boolean excludeMatched; //i.e. do we hide traces that match the pattern
00009     public FilterSet() {
00010         // default is to hide the matching processes
00011         excludeMatched = true;
00012         patterns = new ArrayList<Filter>();
00013     }
00014     boolean hasAnyFilters() {
00015         return patterns != null && !patterns.isEmpty();
00016     }
00017     public void setPatterns(ArrayList<Filter> patterns) {
00018         this.patterns = patterns;
00019     }
00021     public void setShowMode(boolean toShow) {
00022         excludeMatched = !toShow;
00023     }
00025     public boolean isShownMode() {
00026         return !excludeMatched;
00027     }
00028     //TODO: We should probably use TraceName instead
00029     public boolean includes(String name){
00030         String[] split = name.split("\\.");
00031         int process = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
00032         int thread = 0;
00033         if (split.length > 1) {
00034             thread = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
00035         }
00036         return include(new TraceName(process, thread));
00037     }
00039     public ArrayList<Filter> getPatterns()
00040     {
00041         return patterns;
00042     }
00043     public boolean include(TraceName traceName) {
00044         boolean matchedSoFar = true;
00045         /*
00046          * We think about it as applying each filter to the results of the
00047          * filter before. This is logically the same as requiring a rank to
00048          * match every filter (AND, though sometimes it is more intuitive as the
00049          * OR equation provided by De Morgan's law). Also, if excludeMatched is
00050          * true, we need to NOT the matches. This is the same as XORing with
00051          * excludeMatched
00052          */
00053         for (Filter filter : patterns) {
00054             matchedSoFar &= (filter.matches(traceName.process, traceName.thread)^excludeMatched);
00055         }
00056         return matchedSoFar;
00057     }
00058 } 

Generated on 5 May 2015 for HPCVIEWER by  doxygen 1.6.1