Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package;
00003 import;
00004 import;
00005 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
00008 public class Filter {
00009     public static final String PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR = ",";
00010     private final Range process;
00011     private final Range thread;
00013     public Filter(String strForm){
00014         String[] pieces = formattedSplit(strForm);
00015         process = new Range (pieces[0]);
00016         thread = new Range(pieces[1]);
00018     }
00024     private String[] formattedSplit(String strForm) {
00025         String fixing = strForm;
00027         //Turns something like ,12 into x,12 (which becomes everything,12)
00028         if (fixing.startsWith(PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR)) 
00029             fixing = "x" + fixing;
00030         //Turns something like 12 into 12$...
00031         if (!fixing.contains(PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR))
00032             fixing = fixing + PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR;
00033         //...which becomes 12$x and later 12$everything 
00034         if (fixing.endsWith(PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR))
00035             fixing = fixing + "x";
00037         String[] pieces = fixing.split(Pattern.quote(PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR));
00038         assert pieces.length == 2;
00039         for (int i = 0; i < pieces.length; i++) {
00040             //Turns something like :10 into x:10 (which becomes start:10) or
00041             if (pieces[i].startsWith(":"))
00042                 pieces[i] = "x" + pieces[i];
00044             //Turns something like 20: into 20:x which becomes 20:end
00045             if (pieces[i].endsWith(":"))
00046                 pieces[i] = pieces[i] + "x";
00047         }
00049         return pieces;
00050     }
00052     Filter(Range process, Range thread){
00053         this.process = process;
00054         this.thread = thread;
00055     }
00056     boolean matches(TraceName name){
00057         return matches(name.process, name.thread);
00058     }
00059     boolean matches (int processNum, int threadNum){
00060         return process.matches(processNum) && thread.matches(threadNum);
00061     }
00062     @Override
00063     public String toString() {
00064         return process + PROCESS_THREAD_SEPARATOR + thread;
00065     }
00066     //Unit test:
00067     public static void main(String[] args){
00068         String[] patterns = {"3:7:2,", ",1" ,"1::2,2:4:2", "1:100", ":100", "100:,4"};
00069 String[] messages = {"should match all threads of ranks 3, 5, and 7.",
00070         "will match thread 1 of all processes.",
00071         "will match 1.2, 1.4, 3.2, 3.4, 5.2 ...",
00072         "will match all threads of ranks 1 to 100",
00073         "will match all threads of ranks <=100",
00074         "will match thread 4 of ranks >= 100"};
00075 TraceName[][] tests = {
00076         { new TraceName(2,1), new TraceName(3,2), new TraceName(4,7), new TraceName(10,10)},
00077         { new TraceName(0,1), new TraceName(10,2), new TraceName(999,1), new TraceName(1,7)},
00078         { new TraceName(5,2), new TraceName(3,4), new TraceName(1,1), new TraceName(2,2)},
00079         { new TraceName(0,2), new TraceName(101,4), new TraceName(100,1), new TraceName(201,2)},
00080         { new TraceName(0,2), new TraceName(101,4), new TraceName(100,1), new TraceName(201,2)},
00081         { new TraceName(0,4), new TraceName(101,4), new TraceName(100,1), new TraceName(201,2)}
00082         };
00083     for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
00084         Filter f = new Filter(patterns[i]);
00085         System.out.println(patterns[i] + " decoded to " + f.toString() + " in full form");
00086         System.out.println(messages[i]);
00087         TraceName[] theseTests = tests[i];
00088         for (int j = 0; j < theseTests.length; j++) {
00089             System.out.println(theseTests[j] + (f.matches(theseTests[j])? ": matches" : ": does not match."));
00090         }
00091     }
00092     }
00094     public void serializeSelfToStream(DataOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
00095         process.serializeSelfToStream(stream);
00096         thread.serializeSelfToStream(stream);
00097     }
00098 }
00100 class Range{
00101     private static final int END = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
00102     private static final int START = 0;
00103     final int min, max, stride;
00104     Range(){//Match everything
00105         min = START;
00106         max = END;
00107         stride = 1;
00108     }
00109     public void serializeSelfToStream(DataOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
00110         stream.writeInt(min);
00111         stream.writeInt(max);
00112         stream.writeInt(stride);
00113     }
00114     Range(int min, int max, int stride){
00115         this.min = min;
00116         this.max = max;
00117         this.stride = stride;
00118     }
00119     public Range(String string) {
00120         String[] pieces =string.split(":");
00121         //default value in case they are not specified
00122         int min = START;
00123         int max = END;
00124         int stride = 1;
00125         switch (pieces.length){//Don't break on the switch so that we can get all the pieces we need
00126         case 3:
00127             stride = specialParse(pieces[2], stride);
00128         case 2:
00129             max = specialParse(pieces[1], max);
00130             min = specialParse(pieces[0], min);
00131             break;
00132             //The reason for this difference is that "4" means [4,4], which is very different from "4:", which means [4, inf].
00133         case 1:
00134             max = specialParse(pieces[0], max);
00135             min = specialParse(pieces[0], min);
00136             break;
00137         }
00138         this.min = min;
00139         this.max = max;
00140         this.stride = stride;
00141     }
00142     private static int specialParse(String string, int defaultValue) {
00143         if (string.length()==0) return defaultValue;
00144         try{
00145             return Integer.parseInt(string);
00146         } catch (NumberFormatException e){
00147             return defaultValue;
00148         }
00150     }
00151     boolean matches (int i){
00152         if (i < min) return false;
00153         if (i > max) return false;
00154         return ((i - min) % stride) == 0;
00155     }
00156     @Override
00157     public String toString() {
00158         return (min == START? "start" : min)+ ":" + (max == END ? "end" : max) + ":"
00159                 + stride;
00160     }
00161 }

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