@inproceedings{BNSSYNT19, title={Co-ordination Synthesis}, author={Bansal, S. and Namjoshi, K S. and Sa'ar, Y.}, booktitle={Workshop on Synthesis co-located at CAV 2019} year={2019}, abstract={The design of a coordinator for multiple, independent, reactive agents is a complex task. {\em Coordination synthesis} is the automated construction of a coordinator from a specification and behavioral description of the reactive agents. Prior work on coordination synthesis make use of two critical assumptions: (a). all reactive agents are synchronized, (b). the coordinator has complete information about the reactive agents. However, we argue that realistic multi-agent scenarios violate both of these assumptions, rendering existing techniques unsuitable for coordination synthesis. To this end, this work presents an algorithm for coordination synthesis with {\em both } asynchrony and partial information. Our synthesis procedure uses high-level languages for specifications and agents, namely we use linear temporal properties for specifications and Communicating Sequential Processes (CSPs) for the reactive agents. } }