Package edu.rice.cs.cunit.concJUnit

Class Summary
TestThreadGroup Test thread group.
TestThreadGroup.AwtHandler "sun.awt.exception.handler" handler.
TestThreadGroup.DummyHandler "sun.awt.exception.handler" dummy handler.

Exception Summary
TestThreadGroup.LuckyWarningsDisabledException Exception indicating that "lucky" warnings can't be used.

Error Summary
CreationContextError Class representing a conceptual error of a multithreaded test that has information about the creation context of a thread.
LuckyError Class representing a conceptual error of a multithreaded test: the thread end before the test was over, but there was no join.
MultithreadedTestError Class representing a conceptual error of a multithreaded test.
NoJoinError Class representing a conceptual error of a multithreaded test: the thread did not end before the test was over.