Uses of Interface

Packages that use MethodRule

Uses of MethodRule in org.junit.rules

Classes in org.junit.rules that implement MethodRule
 class ErrorCollector
          The ErrorCollector rule allows execution of a test to continue after the first problem is found (for example, to collect _all_ the incorrect rows in a table, and report them all at once):
 class ExpectedException
          The ExpectedException Rule allows in-test specification of expected exception types and messages:
 class ExternalResource
          A base class for Rules (like TemporaryFolder) that set up an external resource before a test (a file, socket, server, database connection, etc.), and guarantee to tear it down afterward:
 class TemporaryFolder
          The TemporaryFolder Rule allows creation of files and folders that are guaranteed to be deleted when the test method finishes (whether it passes or fails):
 class TestName
          The TestName Rule makes the current test name available inside test methods:
 class TestWatchman
          TestWatchman is a base class for Rules that take note of the testing action, without modifying it.
 class Timeout
          The Timeout Rule applies the same timeout to all test methods in a class:
 class Verifier
          Verifier is a base class for Rules like ErrorCollector, which can turn otherwise passing test methods into failing tests if a verification check is failed