Uses of Class

Packages that use Failure
org.junit.runner Provides classes used to describe, collect, run and analyze multiple tests. 
org.junit.runner.notification Provides information about a test run. 

Uses of Failure in org.junit.experimental.results

Constructor parameters in org.junit.experimental.results with type arguments of type Failure
PrintableResult(List<Failure> failures)
          A result that includes the given failures

Uses of Failure in org.junit.internal

Methods in org.junit.internal with parameters of type Failure
 void TextListener.testFailure(Failure failure)

Uses of Failure in org.junit.runner

Methods in org.junit.runner that return types with arguments of type Failure
 List<Failure> Result.getFailures()

Uses of Failure in org.junit.runner.notification

Methods in org.junit.runner.notification with parameters of type Failure
 void RunNotifier.fireTestAssumptionFailed(Failure failure)
          Invoke to tell listeners that an atomic test flagged that it assumed something false.
 void RunNotifier.fireTestFailure(Failure failure)
          Invoke to tell listeners that an atomic test failed.
 void RunListener.testAssumptionFailure(Failure failure)
          Called when an atomic test flags that it assumes a condition that is false
 void RunListener.testFailure(Failure failure)
          Called when an atomic test fails.