
Project Description

With the explosion of online news over the past few years and with recent advances in extracting information from text, the question we study is: is it possible to forecast the outbreak of serious conflict by monitoring news media from regions all over the world over extended periods of time, extracting information about events from them, and computationally analyzing the time series of extracted events? Our research is motivated by this question. Our research goals are
  • To design information extraction techniques and build events data sets for use by the entire scientific community.
  • To use these events data and develop the algorithmic base for making predictions about the onset of serious conflict.
  • To construct explanatory models, building on the existing findings from the scientific study of international relations.
Timely warning of the outbreak of serious conflict can be a key element in conflict resolution. Early warning can provide the time for state and non-state actors to intervene and prevent the outbreak. We have developed new methods for event data extraction and analysis.
The raw material: online news
A key issue is the selection of online media outlets to be used as the source of coding of events data. We have focused on the wire media sources based on their electronic availability, their reputation, and their coverage of international news: BBC, Agence France Presse (AFP), Reuters, and the Associated Press. We have designed a suite of programs to extract relevant news stories directly from the websites of these news sources, as well as through aggregators such as Google News and Lexis-Nexis. We have obtained over a million articles pertaining to the Middle East from 1998 to the present for all the four sources named above. The news articles are stored in a custom relational database which we call the Ares news database. Such a representation facilitates complex queries over the stories and allows efficient access to them for further analysis. The Ares database also offers support to link events data with the news stories they are generated from. This database is a useful tool for extracting and coding a diverse set of events data collections. We are currently porting it to a web-based interface using Django, to help people build customized news collections for their own analyses. We expect our system to significantly aid in the creation of new events data sets for analysis by both the computer science and political science communities.
Filtering irrelevant stories
To our surprise, only about 10% of the stories retrieved from the news sources contain codeable events. The majority of the stories do not pertain to conflict, or are not factual reports of conflictual events (e.g., are opinion pieces). Effectively filtering these stories is a key step in the analysis. We have trained probabilistic Naive Bayes classifiers, SVM classifiers, and OKAPI based classifiers to identify codeable stories from uncodeable ones. Our classifier accuracies are about 94% with recall of 94% and precision of 87%. The biggest challenge in the filtering process is that models learned for a given period become quickly outdated as events move on and new words arrive. Adapting our models to non-stationary environments remains an open challenge.
Event extraction
We extract events from each codeable news story using a class of programs called event extractors --- these programs analyze the text of the story (including the headline) and gather four pieces of information: who did what to whom and when. The actors are states or organizations (e.g, Hamas or LET). The events are coded in a conceptual hierarchy called WEIS, developed by political scientists and used by them for manual coding of news stories. Each event type has a scaled score (-10 (conflict) to +10 (cooperation)) associated with it. We examined the possibility of using the best-known event extractor called TABARI developed by Phil Schrodt at the University of Kansas (with support of the NSF) for our project. TABARI is tuned for the Reuters data set from 1979 to 1999. It can code simple declarative sentences well, but fails to detect events for sentences in the passive voice, and for complex sentences structures with relative clauses. Such complex sentences occur often in our sources, making parsing of the sentences a necessary step. We have devised a new sentence simplifier that uses the Stanford open source NLP parser and generates simple declarative sentences from more complex ones. The accuracy of TABARI coding improves significantly with such simplification (25 out of 200 Reuters sentences from September 1997 were codeable without simplification; with simplification TABARI coded 78 of these sentences). We implemented our own event coder to overcome the limitations of TABARI using conditional random fields (CRF). To get high accuracies in the identification of actors and targets in wire stories, we use standard named-entity recognition methods. We train a probabilistic model for named entity recognition from a high-quality hand-labeled data set. We use sentence simplification in conjunction with actor/target identification to perform as well as human coders on this task. We have designed a CRF technique for classifying main verbs in event-containing sentences into the 22 action categories of the WEIS code. We were able to obtain accuracies of 72% (recall of 70% and precision of 91%) on Reuters sentences for the event code 22 (force) category. The performance of TABARI for the same benchmark was 22% accuracy (with recall of 8% and precision of 50%).
Analyzing events data
We analyzed a previously gathered event data collection coded from Reuters stories from eight countries in the Gulf region of the Middle East for the period 1979 to 1999. We aggregated the scaled event scores for these eight countries on a biweekly basis. Each point in the time series represents the average event scores for a 2 week period. This series is highly non-stationary, so traditional methods of prediction do not perform well. We use wavelets to do a multiscale decomposition of the signal, and find discontinuities in the series. These discontinuities occur across all scales and are identified using Mallat's modulus maximum technique. Surprisingly, these discontinuities correspond almost exactly to major conflicts in the region! These include the start and end of the Iran/Iraq war, the Gulf War and the first and second Intifada. Further, the wavelet coefficients preceding a singularity or discontinuity exhibit trends that allow us to predict conflicts with high probability about 8 weeks before actual hostilities break out. We have repeated our analysis technique on Cold War events data over a period of fifteen years and developed a computational chronology of key events in that period. We have also extracted and analyze events that led up to the 2003 Iraq war. Our methods allow us to provide a computational account of history of this period based on events gathered from wire sources alone.

This project was funded by the National Science Foundation ITR program from 2002-2008.