sample industrial properties.
On Bounded Specifications
(LPAR'01 paper with Kupferman).
From Bidirectionality to Alternation
(Full version of MFCS'01 paper with Piterman).
View-based Query Answering and Query Containment over
Semistructured Data
(DBPL'01 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
Random 3-SAT and BDDs: The Plot Thickens Further
(CP'01 paper with A. San Miguel Aguirre).
Towards an Efficient Library for SAT: a Manifesto
(LICS'01 SAT Workshop paper with Giunchiglia,
Narizzano, and Tacchella).
From Bidirectionality to Alternation
(MFCS'01 paper with Piterman).
Extended Temporal Logic Revisited
(CONCUR'01 paper with Kupferman and Piterman).
Random 3-SAT: The Plot Thickens
(Full version of CP'00 paper with C. Coarfa, D.D. Demopoulos,
A. San Miguel Aguirre and D. Subramanian).
A Practical Approach to Coverage in Model Checking
(CAV'01 paper with Chokler, Kupferman, and Kurshan).
Benefits of Bounded Model Checking at an Industrial Setting
(CAV'01 paper with Copty, Fix, Fraer, Guinchiglia, Kamhi,
and Tacchella).
The Hybrid Mu-Calculus
(IJCAR'01 paper with Sattler).
Synthesizing Distributed Systems
(LICS'01 paper with Kupferman).
On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science
(BSL submission with Halpern, Harper, Immerman, Kolaitis, and
Branching vs. Linear Time: Final Showdown
Version 1.0,
Version 1.1,
Version 1.2, and
Version 1.3
(invited ETAPS'01 paper) and
On the Complexity of Parity Word Automata
(FOSSACS'01 paper with King and Kupferman).
Coverage Metrics for Temporal Logic Model Checking
(TACAS'01 paper with Chockler and Kupferman).
Is There a Best Symbolic Cycle-Detection Algorithm?
(TACAS'01 paper with Fisler, Fraer, Kamhi, and Yang).
Strong Cyclic Planning Revisited
(ECP'99 paper with Daniele and Traverso).
Weak Alternating Automata Are Not That Weak
(Full version of ISTCS'97 paper with O. Kupferman).
Vacuity Detection in Temporal Model Checking
(Full version of CHARME'99 paper with O. Kupferman).
Fair Equivalence Relations
(FST&TCS'00 paper with O. Kupferman and N. Piterman).
On the Complexity of Verifying Concurrent Transition Systems
(Full version of CONCUR'97 paper with D. Harel and O. Kupferman).
Open Systems in Reactive Environments: Control and Synthesis
(CONCUR'00 paper with O. Kupferman, P. Madhusudan, and
P.S. Thiagarajan).
0-1 Laws for Fragments of Existential Second-Order Logic: A Survey
(Invited MFCS'00 paper with P.G. Kolaitis).
Prioritized Traversal: Efficient Reachability Analysis for
Verification and Falsification
(CAV'00 paper with R. Fraer, G. Kamhi, B. Ziv,
and L. Fix).
Random 3-SAT: The Plot Thickens
(CP'00 paper with C. Coarfa, D.D. Demopoulos, A. San Miguel
Aguirre and D. Subramanian).
View-based Query Processing and Constraint Satisfaction
(LICS'00 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
Mu-calculus Synthesis
(MFCS'00 paper with O. Kupferman).
What is View-Based Query Rewriting?
(KRDB'00 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Reasoning about
Infinite-State Systems
(CAV'00 paper with O. Kupferman).
A Game-Theoretic Approach to Constraint Satisfaction
(AAAI'00 paper with P. Kolaitis).
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Modular Model Checking
(TOPLAS'00 paper with O. Kupferman).
Constraint Satisfaction and Database Theory: a Tutorial
(PODS'00 tutorial).
The Hierarchical Approach to Modeling Knowledge and Common Knowledge
(Full version of TARK92'00 paper with R. Fagin, J. Geanakopolos,
and J.Y. Halpern).
View-Based Query Processing for Regular Path Queries with Inverse
(PODS'00 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
Verification by Augmented Abstraction: The Automata-Theoretic View
(Full version of CSL'99 paper with Y. Kesten and A. Pnueli).
Containment of Conjunctive Regular Path Queries with Inverse
(KR'00 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
Answering Regular Path Queries Using Views
(ICDE'00 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
The Complexity of Problems on Graphs Represented as OBDDs
(with J. Feigenbaum, S. Kannan, and Mahesh Viswanathan,
published in the Chicago J. of Theoretical Computer Science).
Evaluating Semi-Exhaustive Verification Techniques for Bug Hunting
(SMC'99 paper with L. Fix, R. Fraer, and G. Kamhi).
Church's Problem Revisited
(BSL paper with O. Kupferman).
Rewriting of regular expressions and regular path queries
(Full version of PODS'99 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and
M. Lenzerini).
Model Checking of Safety Properties
(Full version of CAV'99 paper with O. Kupferman).
Automata-Theoretic Approach to Planning for Temporally Extended
(ECP'99 paper with G. De Giacomo).
Bisimulation and Model Checking
(CHARME'99 paper with K. Fisler).
Counting with Automata
(technical report with O. Kupferman and A. Ta-Shma).
Conjunctive-query containment and constraint satisfaction
(Full version of PODS'98 paper with P. Kolaitis).
Vacuity Detection in Temporal Model Checking
(CHARME'99 paper with O. Kupferman).
Black Box Checking
(PSTV'99 paper with D. Peled and M. Yannakakis).
Robust Satisfaction
(CONCUR'99 paper with O. Kupferman).
Model Checking of Safety Properties
(CAV'99 paper with O. Kupferman).
Improved Automata Generation for Linear Temporal Logic
(CAV'99 paper with M. Daniele and F. Giunchiglia).
software to generate Büchi automata from LTL formulas.
Rewriting of regular expressions and regular path queries
(PODS'99 paper with D. Calvanese, G. DeGiacomo, and M. Lenzerini).
Probabilistic linear-time model checking:
an overview of the automata-theoretic approach
(invited ARTS'99 paper)
and talk
The Weakness of Self-Complementation
(STACS'99 paper with O. Kupferman).
Bisimulation Minimization in an Automata-Theoretic Verification
(FMCAD'98 paper with K. Fisler).
Alternating Refinement Relations
(CONCUR'98 paper with R. Alur, T. Henzinger, and O. Kupferman).
Synthesis from Knowledge-Based Specifications
(CONCUR'98 paper with R. van der Meyden).
Sometimes and Not Never Re-revisited:
On Branching Versus Linear Time
(CONCUR'98 invited paper).
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Branching-Time Model Checking
(full version of CAV'94 paper with coauthors O. Kupferman and
P. Wolper).
Conjunctive-query containment and constraint satisfaction
(PODS'98 paper with P. Kolaitis).
Reasoning about The Past with Two-Way Automata
(ICALP'98 paper).
Linear vs. Branching Time:
A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective
(invited LICS'98 paper).
Freedom, Weakness, and Determinism:
From Linear-time to Branching-time
(LICS'98 paper with O. Kupferman).
Complexity of Problems on Graphs Represented as OBDDs
(STACS'98 paper with J. Feigenbaum, S. Kannan, and
M. Viswanathan).
Modular Model Checking
(COMPOS'97 paper with O. Kupferman).
Verification of Fair Transition Systems
(with O. Kupferman, published in
the Chicago J. of Theoretical Computer Science).
Weak Alternating Automata and Tree Automata Emptiness
(STOC'98 paper with O. Kupferman), and
full version
Logic in The Computer Science Curriculum
(SIGCSE'98 panel with B. Kim,P. Kolaitis, and D. Leivant).
Relating Linear and Branching Model Checking
(PROCOMET'98 paper with O. Kupferman).
Module Checking
(full version of CAV'96 paper with O. Kupferman and P. Wolper).
The Computational Structure of Monotone Monadic SNP and Constraint
Satisfaction: A Study through Datalog and Group Theory
(full version of STOC'93 paper with T. Feder).
Verification of Open Systems
(FST&TCS'97 invited paper).
Synthesis with Incomplete Information
(ICTL'97 paper with O. Kupferman).
Alternating Automata: Unifying Truth and Validity Checking for Temporal
(invited paper in CADE'97).
On the Complexity of Verifying Concurrent Transition Systems
(CONCUR'97 paper with D. Harel and O. Kupferman).
Weak Alternating Automata Are Not That Weak
(ISTCS'97 paper with O. Kupferman).
Module Checking Revisited
(CAV'97 paper with O. Kupferman).
Model Checking and Transitive-Closure Logic
(CAV'97 paper with N. Immerman).
Computational Model Theory: An Overview
(Full version of WOLLIC'97 paper).
A New Heuristic for Bad Cycle Detection Using BDDs
(CAV'97 paper with R. Hardin, R. Kurshan, and S.K. Shukla).
First-Order Logic with Two Variables and Unary Temporal Logic
(LICS'97 paper with K. Etessami and T. Wilke).
Knowledge-Based Programs
(full version PODC'95 paper with coauthors R. Fagin, J.Y. Halpern,
and Y. Moses).
On the Decision Problem for Two-Variable First-Order Logic
(to appear in Bulletin of the ASL, with E. Graedel and P. Kolaitis).
Why is Modal Logic So Robustly Decidable?
(paper for DIMACS workshop).
Fixpoint Logics, Relational Machines, and Computational Complexity
(Full version of Structures'92 paper with Abiteboul and Vianu).
A Space-Efficient On-the-Fly Algorithm for Real-Time Model
(CONCUR'96 paper with O. Kupferman and T. Henzinger).
Module Checking
(CAV'96 paper with O. Kupferman).
Verification of Fair Transition Systems
(CAV'96 paper with O. Kupferman).
Relating Word and Tree Automata
(LICS'96 paper with O. Kupferman and S. Safra).
On the Expressive Power of Variable-Confined Logics
(LICS'96 paper with P. Kolaitis).
Common knowledge revisited
(TARK'96 paper with R. Fagin, J.Y. Halpern, and Y. Moses).
Implementing knowledge-based programs
(TARK'96 paper).
Rank Predicates vs. Progress Measures in Concurrent-Program
(published in
the Chicago J. of Theoretical Computer Science).
On the Equivalence of Recursive and Nonrecursive Datalog Programs
(PODS'92 paper with coauthor S. Chaudhuri, to appear in a
special issue of JCSS).
On the complexity of branching modular model checking
(CONCUR'95 paper with coauthor O. Kupferman).
Knowledge-Based Programs
(PODC'95 paper with coauthors R. Fagin, J.Y. Halpern, and Y. Moses).
Simple On-the-fly Automatic Verification of Linear Temporal Logic
(PSTV'95 paper with coauthors R. Gerth, D. Peled, and
P. Wolper).
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Fair Realizability and Synthesis
(CAV'95 paper).
Reasoning about Knowledge
(book with co-authors R. Fagin, J.Y. Halpern, and
Y. Moses, published by
MIT Press).
Alternating automata and program verification
(LNCS Vol. 1000).
On the Complexity of Modular Model Checking
(LICS'95 paper).
On the Complexity of Bounded-Variable Queries
(PODS'95 paper).
An automata-theoretic approach to linear temporal logic
An operational semantics for knowledge bases
(AAAI'94 paper with coauthors R. Fagin, J.Y. Halpern
and Y. Moses).
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Branching-Time Model Checking
(CAV'94 paper with coauthors O. Bernholtz and P. Wolper).
On the complexity of equivalence between recursive and nonrecursive
Datalog programs
(PODS'92 paper with S. Chaudhuri).
Nontraditional applications of automata theory
(invited TACS'94 paper).
Algorithmic knowledge
(TARK'94 paper with J.Y. Halpern and Y. Moses).
Parametric Real-Time Reasoning
(STOC'93 paper with T. Henzinger and R. Alur).
Reasoning about infinite computations
(Full version of FOCS'83 paper with P. Wolper).
Fixpoint Logic vs. Infinitary Logic in Finite-Model Theory
(Full version of LICS'92 paper with P. Kolaitis).
Model Checking vs. Theorem Proving: A Manifesto
(Full version of KR'91 paper with J.Y. Halpern).
What is an inference rule?
(Full version of JCIT'90 paper with R. Fagin and J.Y. Halpern).
Infinitary Logics and 0-1 Laws
(Full version of LICS'90 paper with P. Kolaitis).
Memory-Efficient Algorithms for the Verification
of Temporal Properties
(CAV'90 paper with C. Courcoubetis, P. Wolper,
and M. Yannakakis).
On the Expressive Power of Datalog: Tools and a Case Study
(PODS'90 paper with P.G. Kolaitis).
On The Complexity of Epistemic Reasnoning
(LICS'89 paper).
On omega-Automata and Temporal Logic
(STOC'89 paper with S. Safra).
Edmarkers can make a difference
(IPL'89 paper).
A Note on the Reduction of Two-Way Automata to One-Way Automata
(IPL'88 paper).
Decidable optimization problems for database logic programs
(STOC'88 paper S. Cosmadakis, H. Gaifman, and P. Kanellakis).
A Temporal Fixpoint Calculus
(POPL'88 paper).
The Universal--Relation Data Model for Logical Independence
(IEEE Software 1988 paper).
Verification of Concurrent Programs: The Automata-Theoretic
(Full version of LICS'87 paper).
The Decision Problem for the Probabilities of Higher-Order Properties
(STOC'87 paper with P. Kolaitis).
Fundamentals of dependency theory
(TTCS'87 paper).
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Automatic Program Verification
(LICS'86 paper with P. Wolper).
Knowledge and implicit knowledge in a distributed environment
(TARK'86 paper with R. Fagin).
On epistemic logic and logical omniscience
(TARK'86 paper).
The Complexity of Reasoning about Knowledge and Time -- Synchronous
(IBM Research Report, STOC'86 paper with J. Halpern).
The complexity of reasoning about knowledge and time, I -- lower
(STOC'86 paper with J. Halpern).
Reasoning about fair concurrent programs
(STOC'86 paper with C. Courcoubetis and P. Wolper).
Notions of dependency satisfaction
(JACM'86 paper with M. Graham and A. Mendelzon).
The theory of data dependencies -- a survey
(MIP'86 paper with R. Fagin).
Updating logical databases
(ACR'86 paper with R. Fagin, G. Kuper, and J.D. Ullman).
Automatic verification of probabilistic concurrent finite-state
(FOCS'85 paper).
The Complementation Problem for Büchi Automata with Applications
to Temporal Logic
(full version of ICALP'85 paper with P. Sistla and P. Wolper).
The implication problem for funcational and inclusion
dependencies is undecidable
(SICOMP'85 paper with A. Chandra).
Improved upper and lower bounds for modal logics of programs
(STOC'85 paper with L. Stockmeyer), with
lower bound in full.
An internal semantics for modal logic
(STOC'85 paper with R. Fagin).
A simple proof that connectivity of finite graphs is not first-order
(EATCS Bulletin 26, 1985 paper with H. Gaifman).
Automata-theoretic techniques for modal logics of programs
(Full version of STOC'84 paper with P. Wolper).
A proof procuedre for data dependencies
(JACM'84 paper with C. Beeri), and an earlier
draft (with a section relating chase to resolution).
Formal systems for tuple and equality generating dependencies
(SICOMP'84 paper with C. Beeri).
A note on lossless database decompositions
(IPL'84 paper).
On the semantics of updates in databases
(PODS'83 paper with R. Fagin and J.D. Ullman).
Yet another process logic
(LOP'83 paper with P. Wolper).
The implication and finite implication problems for typed
template dependencies
(full version of PODS'82 paper).
The complexity of relational query languages
(STOC'82 paper).
The implication problem for data dependencies
(ICALP'81 paper with C. Beeri)
long version.
Global decision problems for relational databases
(FOCS'81 paper).
The decision problem for database dependencies
(IPL'81 paper).
On the complexity of testing implications of data
(1980 Technical Report with C. Beeri)
Expeceed properties of set partitions
(1980 Technical Report)